

Fabric manager component must always be at the top of the hierarchy. Its main responsibility is to manage the component hierarchy.

A scene MUST have only ONE Fabric manager present.


Music Time Settings

Fabric allows to create global music timing settings that a number of components can sync with.

Music Time Settings

Music Time Settings


Name of the music


The tempo of the music in BPM

Sync Type

Type of sync when transitioning:

  • On Beat: Transition will occur on the next music beat
  • On Bar: Transition will occur on the next bar
  • On End: Transition will occur when the audio clip reaches the end

Time Signature

The time signature of the music

Sync To Target  Component to use current time when syncing

Audio Source Pool

The manager also provides a pool of audio sources that are used by the audio components instead of having to create one for each instance. For example if there is an audio component that has a very big number Fabric’s default behaviour is to create an audio source for each instance. However, using the audio pool the number of audio sources is pre-allocated.

NOTE: At the moment if the maximum number of audio sources are used the pool will fail to allocate a new one.

Usage value shows the number of audio sources that are in use.

Manager Info

The info section shows the number of game objects uses by the fabric hierarchy as well as the memory used by the manager (NOTE: it does NOT include the audio memory used, for that you need to look in the Unity profiler) and CPU usage of the node (inclusive).


Volume Threshold and Virtual Events

Volume Threshold

Fabric introduces a new volume threshold property which is used to determine if a component will be active. The volume threshold is used in the following situations:

- PlaySound event action: When a play event action is posted and the current volume of the component is less than the threshold then the component is not played

- Virtualization: If a component is playing and its volume drops below the threshold (through RTP or game input) then the component will turn virtual until its volume threshold is higher again.


Virtual Events

In order to reduce memory usage and performance it is possible to set the maximum number of virtual events that will be used by all components.

Volume Threshold and Virtual Events

Inspector Elements



Don’t Destroy On Load

Allows the manager to stay alive when loading scenes

Show All Instances

Shows all component instances in the hierarchy

AudioComponent Virtualization

Enable audio component to turn virtual (i.e. not playing) when listener is outside its max distance.

Create Event Listeners

Automatically adds an event listener to all components either using the name or their full hierarchy path (if Use full path for name option is set)

Timeline Loader

Enables the automatic importing of timeline (*.fdp) projects located in the resources folder. It is possible to manually import an ftp project.

Debug Log

It will automatically add the DebugLog component for displaying Fabric error/warning/info messages

External GroupComponent

Allows group components outside of the main Fabric manager hierarchy to be automatically register.


Allows setting the active language used by the Dialog and Www AudioComponents. (Use the Language window to create/edit language properties)

Transition Threshold

Look ahead time (in seconds) used by the sequence component to detect when to queue the next playlist entry in a sample accurate way

Bake Component Inst

This will create all the component instances in the editor according to their max instances value. It’s aimed to reduce load times at runtime.

NOTE: To make the instances visible you need to have the “Show All Instances” option enabled.

Virtual Events Defines the number of virtual events that Fabric can handles. When the limit is reached no more virtual events will be allocated
On Application Pause

This option defines the Fabric behavior when Unity calls the OnApplicationPause callback function, the options available arer

Ignore None: Don't ingore On Application pause call

Ignore Pause True: Ingore only when pause is True

Ignore Pause False: Ignore only when pause is False

Ignore All: Ignore callback function completley 

Force Axis (X,Y,Z)

Locks the position of an axis into the value set (0 will be ignored).

Playmode Persistence

This option allows for all property changes that occurred during editor play mode to persist even after the editor has stopped playing. This is ideal for live tweaking and balancing the mix of the game.

By default this feature is disabled. 

Show Component Icons Enable/Disable the display of icons next to a Fabric component in the hiearchy tab view
Editor Path Set the Editor path for the Fabric plugin

Add AudioMixer & DebugLog

Add AudioMixer & DebugLog

The Add/Remove AudioMixer Manager button will add or remove the audio mixer component that is necessary for Fabric to communicate with Unity's audio mixer.

The Add/Remove DebugLog button will add/remove the DebugLog component

Watch the following video explaining more about the Fabric manager
