Global Parameters

Global Parameters

It is now possible to create different type of Global parameters that make it easier to control multiple components at the same time. The parameters available are:


Global Parameter:

The global parameter allows to create and set a global value that components can read using the RTP window.

A global parameter can also be driven by a volume meter.

To set a Global Parameter from the game you can either use the EventTrigger component or through the API,

Fabric.EventManager.Instance.SetGlobalParameter("ParameterName", 1.0f);


Global Switch:

Global switch parameter is used by the switch component only and it allows to switch multiple components from the game.

To set a Global Parameter from the game you can either use the EventTrigger component or through the API,

Fabric.EventManager.Instance.SetGlobalSwitch("globalSwitchName", "SwitchName");
Global Parameters