This new music component behaves in the same way as a switch component, In that it allows to switch between components, but with the addition of allowing to play a transition segment in between.
This is possible by adding/removing transition behaviours that apart from the transition segment they also allow to set the type of sync (i.e On Beat, On Bar or On Exit Cue).
Any component that exists underneath a music component will allow to override the music settings. This allows to support music tracks that have different tempo sections.
NOTE: The override music properties option is only available if the component is under a music component.
Inspector Elements
Code Support
The Music component provides the following event actions to be called from code,
- SetSwitch
Fabric.EventManager.Instance.PostEvent("NAME OF EVENT", Fabric.EventAction.SetSwitch, "CHILD COMPONENT NAME", gameObject);
Watch the following video explaining more about this Component