

Posts an audio event on a given game object.

void PostEvent
	UInt64 FabricInstanceId
	, UInt64 fpkId
	, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]string eventName
	, EventAction eventAction
	, int gameObjectId
	, int playingId = -1
	, EventCallback callback = null
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  • UInt64 FabricInstanceID - The ID of Fabric.Player.FabricPlayer.Instance.fabricPlayerInstanceId
  • UInt64 fpkID - The ID of the fpk the event is stored within.
  • string eventName - the name of the event
  • EventAction eventAction - an enum that determines what type of action is associated with this event (i.e. Play, Stop, etc.)
  • int gameObjectID - The ID of the game object sending this event. Use the Id stored in the AudioObject component.


const string eventName = "play_music";
UInt64 fpkID = FPKInfo.GetFPKID("Music");

Fabric.Player.FabricAudioObject audioObject = gameObject.GetComponent<Fabric.Player.FabricAudioObject>();
int audioObjectID = audioObject.ID;

Fabric.Player.API.PostEvent(Fabric.Player.FabricPlayer.Instance.fabricPlayerInstanceId, fpkID, eventName, Fabric.Native.EventAction.PlaySound, audioObjectID);
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Sets the value of a parameter on a game object (locally scoped).

void SetParameter
	UInt64 FabricInstanceId
	, UInt64 fpkId
	, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]string eventName
	, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]string parameterName
	, int gameObjectId
	, float value
	, int playingId = -1
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  • UInt64 FabricInstanceID - The ID of Fabric.Player.FabricPlayer.Instance.fabricPlayerInstanceId
  • UInt64 fpkID - The ID of the fpk the event is stored within.
  • string parameterName - The name of the parameter
  • int gameObjectID - The ID of the game object sending this event. Use the Id stored in the AudioObject component.
  • float value - The value of the parameter


const string parameterName = "footstep_volume";
UInt64 fpkID = FPKInfo.GetFPKID("Footsteps");

Fabric.Player.FabricAudioObject audioObject = gameObject.GetComponent<Fabric.Player.FabricAudioObject>();
int audioObjectID = audioObject.ID;

Fabric.Player.API.SetParameter(Fabric.Player.FabricPlayer.Instance.fabricPlayerInstanceId, fpkID, parameterName, audioObjectID, 0.5f);
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Sets the value of a parameter (global scope).

void SetGlobalParameter
	UInt64 FabricInstanceId
	, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]string parameterName
	, float value
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  • UInt64 FabricInstanceID - The ID of Fabric.Player.FabricPlayer.Instance.fabricPlayerInstanceId
  • string parameterName - The name of the parameter
  • float value - The value of the parameter


void SwitchMusic()
    if (isIntenseLayerPlaying)
        Fabric.Player.API.SetGlobalParameter(Fabric.Player.FabricPlayer.Instance.fabricPlayerInstanceId, "music_layer", 0);
        isIntenseLayerPlaying = false;
        Fabric.Player.API.SetGlobalParameter(Fabric.Player.FabricPlayer.Instance.fabricPlayerInstanceId, "music_layer", 100);
        isIntenseLayerPlaying = true;
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Sets the value of a switch (global scope).

void SetGlobalSwitch
	UInt64 FabricInstanceId
	, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]string globalSwitchName
	, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]string switchName
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  • UInt64 FabricInstanceID - The ID of Fabric.Player.FabricPlayer.Instance.fabricPlayerInstanceId
  • string globalSwitchName - The name of the global switch container
  • string switchValue - The value of the switch


private void SwitchAmbience()
    if (isFirstAmbience)
        Fabric.Player.API.SetGlobalSwitch(Fabric.Player.FabricPlayer.Instance.fabricPlayerInstanceId, "s_time", "Night");
        isFirstAmbience = false;
        Fabric.Player.API.SetGlobalSwitch(Fabric.Player.FabricPlayer.Instance.fabricPlayerInstanceId, "s_time", "Afternoon");
        isFirstAmbience = true;
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